Fr Chris is available in-person or by Zoom for a variety of pastoral care services, including:
+ Learning the faith
+ Guided meditation and prayer time
+ Small Group discussion
+ Sacramental Confession (in-person only)
+ Spiritual Direction
He can also help you with referrals for professional services, including therapy and marriage counseling.
Use link to schedule an appointment, or email
What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction is an hour you commit to each month to sit with a trusted Spiritual Director and explore how God is moving in your life. The purpose of each monthly session is for you to become more aware of the stirrings and presence of the Holy Spirit within you. Amazing things can happen when we take the time to listen for the voice of God with a safe companion. The Spiritual Direction relationship can be as short as a single session; it can go on for years; or it can happen intermittently (eg. 3 monthly sessions followed by a break, and then resume for 2 more, etc.).